Предлогот е - Демократска Република Македонија?!
Ако „Вечер“ е во право, тогаш новиот предлог на Нимиц би бил мојот прв фаворит, Демократска Република Македонија. Просто не ми се верува дека „Вечер прв дознава“, ама да почекаме до вторник.
Да потсетам само што напишав на 11.05.2007:
„Во моментов, мислам дека е најдобро да ги прекинеме сите преговори околу Уставното име, и уште еднаш, за последен пат, самите да си го промениме името на државата. Мојот предлог е „Демократска Република Македонија“ (резерва - „Европска Република Македонија“).
Ем ќе ги заебеме Грците, ем промената на Уставот може да се искористи за вистинско демократизирање на Македонија каде што сеуште „народот“ се поима исклучиво како „етнос“.“
Ова можно име прв пат го споменав на 30.01.2007 во постот Името не го менуваме?, а не во ноември, како што наведува Рибаро во Жаре за кум.
Рибар, те частам пастрмка у Пешна, ако „Вечер“ е во право!
Само, нешто ме јаде јанза дека ДР Македонија би бил разумен предлог е уште еден пробен балон, слично како што беше со „мерките“.
8 коментари:
A Socijalisticka? :))
Жарко, ти си бил пророк бре:-)
„Демократична“ не е лошо предложение.
Има само два недостатъка: „демокрация“ и „република“ са две думи с едно и също значение – т.е.получава се тавтология. (и двете означават власт на народа(демос, публика))
Другият недостатък е, че „Демократични републики“ обикновено са разни несигурни държави (Конго и т.н.)
Но и двата довода са тъпи и е по-добре да си имате общопризнато име, отколкото да се джанкате с комшиите си непрекъснато.
Демократска Република Македонија да, но само ако во ОН бидеме „под М“ (сега сме под t, the Former ...)
Appeal for Prompt Action of the President and the Government of Republic of Serbia
We appeal* to the President and the Government of Republic of Serbia to challenge responsibility of United Nations Secretariat before International Court of Justice, for not annulling the decision of independence of Kosovo. We appeal that the following Draft Resolution promptly be placed at the (Special) Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations:
The General Assembly,
Considering the Article 2(1, 4, 7) of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the Article 104 of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244,
Considering the functions and powers of the United Nations Secretariat provided for in the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 1946, and, in particular, the legal character of Article 1 and Article 8 (30),
Taking note that a difference in the legal interpretation of the Charter of the United Nations has arisen between the Serbia and the United Nations Secretariat over the legality of not discharging responsibility for annulling decision of provisional organs on Kosovo for independence,
Considering the Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations,
For the purposes to determine whether by the non-acting in annulling the mentioned independence of Kosovo, United Nations (Secretariat) has violated its duties enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations,
And for the purpose to determine further course of action,
Decides to submit the following legal question to the International Court of Justice:
Has the United Nations (Secretariat) violated its duties enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations in non-acting in annulling independence declared by provisional organs of Kosovo?
(Furthermore we strongly urge Serbian government to initiate United Nations General Assembly Resolution in which member states of the United Nations will be requested not to recognize Kosovo, until Advisory Opinion of International Court is delivered, and the General Assembly of the UN act accordingly.)
* Made by the joint team headed by dr. Igor Janev, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Political Studies (Institut za političke studije), Belgrade, Serbia, web posted: 16. 02. 2008.
се е супер само за каква демократија зборуваме кога треба да го промениме името? или тоа нема везе,
е да ми промакнало... Договорено, виното е мое :)
Appeal for Prompt Action of the President and the Government of Republic of Serbia
We appeal* to the President and the Government of Republic of Serbia to challenge responsibility of United Nations Secretariat before International Court of Justice, for not annulling the decision of independence of Kosovo. We appeal that the following Draft Resolution promptly be placed at the (Special) Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations:
The General Assembly,
Considering the Article 2(1, 4, 7) of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the Article 104 of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244,
Considering the functions and powers of the United Nations Secretariat provided for in the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 1946, and, in particular, the legal character of Article 1 and Article 8 (30),
Taking note that a difference in the legal interpretation of the Charter of the United Nations has arisen between the Serbia and the United Nations Secretariat over the legality of not discharging responsibility for annulling decision of provisional organs on Kosovo for independence,
Considering the Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations,
For the purposes to determine whether by the non-acting in annulling the mentioned independence of Kosovo, United Nations (Secretariat) has violated its duties enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations,
And for the purpose to determine further course of action,
Decides to submit the following legal question to the International Court of Justice:
Has the United Nations (Secretariat) violated its duties enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations in non-acting in annulling independence declared by provisional organs of Kosovo?
(Furthermore we strongly urge Serbian government to initiate United Nations General Assembly Resolution in which member states of the United Nations will be requested not to recognize Kosovo, until Advisory Opinion of International Court is delivered, and the General Assembly of the UN act accordingly.)
* Made by the joint team headed by dr. Igor Janev, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Political Studies (Institut za političke studije), Belgrade, Serbia, web posted: 16. 02. 2008.
Каква црна демократска. Со ДР Конго или со ДР Кореа кеј се дружиме. Бидејќи ДР Германија не постои веќе
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