Тра-ла-ла, тра-ла-ла, сама си го барала!


Упорноста некогаш не се исплати. Еве како поминаа Грците со Фрид, барајќи си го со боринче по ќошиња. Прво му поставија прашање зошто САД го поддржуваат предлогот на Нимиц. Фрид фино објасни како стојат работите:

„We wanted an invitation to Macedonia, either based on the Nimetz proposal or as FYROM, or as FYROM. Greece didn't accept that; however, Greece has made clear that it wants a solution to the name issue, and the Macedonian Government has made clear that it wants a solution to the name issue. Both sides want to move ahead.“

Потоа го прашаа зошто САД упорно притискале за прием на Македонија кога знаеле дека Грците ќе стават вето. Фрид учтиво им објасни:

„...we thought -- we hoped that there would be an invitation to Macedonia. We said so. That remains our view. I see no reason to apologize for very active American role.“

И повторно, Грците го убедуваа Фрид дека САД има двојни стандарди – демек, го споредувал српскиот национализам со евтин алкохол, а го оправдувал македонскиот национализам. Фрид повторно учтиво им објасни дека погрешно го разбрале:

„When I spoke of Macedonian patriots, I spoke of a country which is a successful multiethnic state with ethnic Macedonians and ethnic Albanians in the government and in opposition. Thanks to the Ohrid framework, the government in Skopje averted a major domestic problem, perhaps even a civil war. Of all the post-Yugoslav states, Macedonia has been among the most successful in avoiding precisely this kind of extreme nationalism. The government in Skopje, the Macedonian Government, is looking at a future in Europe and a future with NATO, and in doing so it is rejecting exactly the kind of nationalism which has brought so much pain to the Balkans.“

Но, за наша среќа, тука не беше крајот на грчките прашања. Најупорниот и најдосаден грчки новинар пак праша (ова мора да се види – 37-ма минута):

QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, I need your attention. A few moments ago, you said specifically, "Ethnic Macedonians" for the first time in history. That means the U.S. Government is recognizing the so-called "Macedonian ethnicity and language."

ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: I don't think it is so-called. Macedonian language exists. Macedonian people exist. It's not - you know, we teach Macedonian at the Foreign Service Institute. We teach Serbian, we teach Croatian, now we teach Bosnian. There's a debate in Montenegro as to Crnogorski Jezik, the Montenegrin language. All languages - and I speak now as - not as a bureaucrat, but as - you know, a former --a lapsed historian. All languages are - you know, are human creations and, you know, they develop over time and become codified. And it's not up to - you know, there is a Macedonian language.

There is also the historic Macedonian province, which is different from the country. And it's important. It's quite clear that the government in Skopje, what we Americans call the Government of Macedonia, has no claims. We recognize the difference between the historic territory of Macedonia, which is, of course, much larger than the current country. And we're involved in the - we are supportive of the Nimetz process on the name to make - to settle this issue.

Досадниот грчки новинар продолжи да работи за нас:

QUESTION: What about the ethnicity? You mentioned ethnicity.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY FRIED: I'm not - I did - I did mention that. But, you know, this is an issue - you know, it is for people to define themselves, ultimately, I suppose. The ethnicity is - you know, it's just a fact as far as I can tell. The issue of the name is something that is on the table. And this is something to be discussed. I'm not the negotiator and I'm not, certainly, an anthropologist or an ethno-historian.

Класичен демант на грчката манипулација: U.S. State Department says it does not Recognize ‘a Macedonian Language’ or Ethnicity.

Исто така - ти кажувам ќерко (Грција), сети се снао (Бугарија). Како што укажа една проминентна колешка: As if Macedonia didn't have enough identity issues already, "so-called” comes in reference to the Bulgarian assertiоn that Macedonian, the language, is nothing more than a Bulgarian dialect written in a Serbian script. (Daniel Fried: Macedonians exist | FP Passport).

5 коментари:

Анонимен рече...

Zharko, gi vide li komentarite na http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/node/8605

Стойчо рече...

Жарко, идентитетът веднъж ви изяде главата. Да не ви я изяде втори път:-)
Мдааа, колкото босненския, черногорския и хърватския са езици, различни от сръбския ...
толкова и македонския ли се различава от сръбския?:-)
Дъще, дъщееее....;-)

(честно казано не ми се спори на тая тема - това е тема за филолози и историци)

Анонимен рече...

той стойчо вече коментирал ;-). и аз съм на същото мнение - щом има църногорски и босненски значи има и македонски. абсолютно съм съгласен.

Анонимен рече...

Мда ето написах и аз нещо.

Развигор рече...

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