Кој ја упропасти Матка?


Има ли нешто потрагично од упропастена природна убавина?

Глупаци ја упропастија Треска - поентира Геровски.

Вчера се симнав откај манастирот Св. Никола, ама кајче не можеше да дојде да ме префрли преку езерцето, кое веќе не личи ни на езерце.

Разочаран - морав да се враќам назад.

А кога ќе се уништи реката - заедно со животните во неа - тешко е враќањето назад.

4 коментари:

Навистина трагично. Матка е еден од најубавите предели не само во Македонија туку и пошироко. Навистина е криминално што вака се грижиме за неа.


Unknown рече...

Поздрав и до тебе Кибицер.
Ај, па и некое кафе да пиеме наскоро :)

Анонимен рече...

Appeal for Action of the Government of Serbia
In the case of imposition of the UN resolution providing for “Conditional” or “Postponed” or a “Full“Independence for Kosovo, it is necessary that the Government of Serbia requests that the following Draft Resolution be placed at the next Session of the UN General Assembly:

The General Assembly

Considering the Article 2 and the Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations,

Considering Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice of 28. of May, 1948,

Considering the UN Doc. S/1466 of 9. of March, 1950,

Considering the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, of 1946. and, in particular, the legal character of Article 1. and Article 8 (30),

Taking note that a difference in the legal interpretation of the Charter of the United Nations has arisen between the Serbia and the United Nations over the legality of status for Kosovo and the character of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. of 1999. and consequently over the interpretation of the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and the Membership rights of Serbia and its legal status in the Organization and out of the Organization,

Considering the Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations,

For the purposes to determine whether by the delivered UN Resolution for status of Kosovo the violation of the United Nations legal character as non-supranational Organization has occurred and consequently violation of Membership rights of Serbia and its legal status in the Organization has also occurred , as well as, violation of the legal order of the Organization and the International legal order, in general

And for the purpose to determine further course of action,

Decides to submit the following legal question(s) to the International Court of Justice:

Is the Resolution for Kosovo of the Security Council (or the General Assembly), relating to the status of Kosovo, legally in accordance with the Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations? In particular, is the Resolution for Kosovo of the Security Council (or General Assembly), relating to the status of Kosovo, in violation of the Membership rights of Serbia, its rights concerning its legal status (in the Organization) and its legal personality, and is this resolution in violation of the legal order of the Organization, and the International legal order in general ?

* Made by the joint team headed by dr Igor Janev, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, Serbia , web posted: February 10. 2006.

Анонимен рече...

dr Igor Janev proposed this question of UNGA for ICJ: "Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?".
29.09.2007. Belgrade

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