„Утрински весник“ ја претставува Теута Арифи како најголема жртва: „...најдебелиот крај го извлече пратеничката на ДУИ Теута Арифи“.
Насловната страница на „Вечер“ ја претставува Теута Арифи како најголемиот насилник, импутирајќи и ги зборовите на Латас - „I have a gun“, наместо „I have a dream“.
Војната започнува во медиумите кои настојуваат да создадат конфузија во нашите глави.
Медиумските војници никако да се демобилизираат.
5 коментари:
Леле, фатив чера вести на сител, аууууу перење мозок еј. Ретко гледам вести на ТВ, особено не Сител, и затоа ова ми беше шокантно.
Не анвлегувам у содржината на тоа што Латас го збореше, него реториката ејј, застрашувачки.
Наместо кошула и кравата, треба да се појавува со маскирно одело.
Поише ќе му личи за тоа што го збори.
Неговата драматика ме потсети на деновите кога ги коментираше настаните (немирите) пред Америчката амбасада во Скопје, но тогаш дури и некако попален ми беше од вчера.
In the case of establishment of the Tribunal for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia, it was apparent that a precedent has been made when resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (808. and 827.) in 1993 established a new provisional organ with the broad judicial competences. These acts were based on the UN Security Council Resolution 777(1992) and the UN General Assembly Resolution 47/1(1992), and on the assumption that former state (Yugoslavia) as a UN member ceased to exist. In our view, since UN Security Council does not have necessary judicial or legislative legal-setting (norm-creating) functions and powers, and since UN Security Council Resolution 777(1992) and the UN General Assembly Resolution 47/1 (1992) can not alter the basic rights of a member state (FRY), UN Security Council Resolutions 808/1993 and 827/1993 establishing the Tribunal (as an organ of the UN Security Council) represent an ultra vires act of the United Nations. It is apparent that UN organ, such as UN Security Council, can not confer more powers to the other organ (Tribunal for war crimes), than those it has itself, provided by UN Charter. For these reasons, we appeal to the Government of Serbia and the President of Serbia to request that the following Draft Resolution be placed at the next Session of the UN General Assembly:
The General Assembly,
Considering the Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the functions and powers in the Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering the General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 1946, and, in particular, the legal character of Article 1 and Article 8 (30),
Taking note that a difference in the legal interpretation of the Charter of the United Nations has arisen between the Serbia and the United Nations over the legality of the establishment of the Tribunal for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia,
Considering the Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations,
For the purposes to determine whether by the delivered United Nations Security Council Resolutions 808 (1993) and 827(1993), United Nations Security Council has made an ultra vires act(s) in execution of functions and powers not expressly provided for in the United Nations Charter,
And for the purpose to determine further course of action,
Decides to submit the following legal question to the International Court of Justice:
Are the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council 808 (1993) and 827 (1993) legally in accordance with the Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations and provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations?
* Made by the joint team headed by dr. Igor Janev, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Political Studies (Institut za političke studije), Belgrade, Serbia, web posted: 22. 10. 2007.
dr Igor Janev proposed this question of UNGA for ICJ: "Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?".
29.09.2007. Belgrade
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